Monday, June 25, 2018

"God the Son's Promise to Come Again" - EVENING SERVICE 06242018

On Sunday nights I have been preaching through a series titled "The Promises of God."  This past Sunday evening we talked about God the Son's promise to come again.  Life is so hard and, I think, that it is very easy to get discouraged.  BUT, something that always encourages me the fact that Jesus said He WILL come again.  So no matter what you have going on, no matter what difficulties and troubles you are facing, turn them over to Jesus and trust in Him always.  WHY?  Because He will come again!

Sermon by Rev. Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Evening Service

On June 24, 2018

Series Title: "The Promises of God"

Sermon Title: "God the Son's Promise to Come Again"

Scripture Text: John 14:1-6

"The Baptism of Jesus" - MORNING SERVICE 06242018

Sunday morning we talked about the baptism of Jesus which John the Baptist told us about.  We learned that Jesus' baptism (the one He performs on us not the physical baptism of Jesus) is twofold and contains the Holy Spirit and fire.  If you have been saved you have already received Jesus' baptism of the Holy Spirit.  If believe that Jesus died and rose again to forgive you of your sins and open the gates of heaven, and confess that belief outwardly, then you are saved.  Unfortunately, the opposite is true for those who do not know Christ; they receive the baptism of fire which takes place in hell after they die.  But these people still have hope; they can turn their lives over to Christ today and receive the Holy Spirit, which is their pledge from God.

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On June 24, 2018

Series Title: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke

Sermon Title: "The Baptism of Jesus"

Scripture Text: Luke 3:15-22

Monday, June 18, 2018

"The Message of John the Baptist" - MORNING SERVICE 06172018

Yesterday we began our study of the third chapter of the Gospel according to Luke by talking about John the Baptist; the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth.  John was a powerful man who truly dedicated his life to serving God.  He literally lived in the wilderness and ate bugs, how much more dedicated do you need to be?  The message that John preached is truly applicable to Christians today as we do our best to "bear fruit in keeping with repentance." (Luke 3:8)   

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On June 17, 2018

Series Title: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke

Sermon Title: "The Message of John the Baptist"

Scripture Text: Luke 3:1-14

Thursday, June 14, 2018

"Finding Jesus" - MORNING SERVICE 06102018

On Sunday morning we finished off Luke 2 by talking about how Christians and Non-Christians can find Jesus.  Joseph and Mary "lost" Jesus when He was 12 years old while on a trip to Jerusalem for the Passover.  Of course, Jesus was found right where He was suppose to be; in his father's house.  Have you found Jesus?  Do you know where to find Him?  Listen to Pastor Dan's sermon to answer these questions.
Sermon by Rev. Dan Squezello
At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio
Morning Service
On June 10, 2018
Series Title: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke
Sermon Title: "Finding Jesus"
Scripture Text: Luke 2:39-52

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

"God's Promise of Rest" - EVENING SERVICE 06032018

On Sunday nights I have been preaching through a series titled "The Promises of God."  This past Sunday evening we talked about God's promise of rest.  I have found that I have been so tired, of late, that I actually fall asleep watching the Red Sox game.  Tabbethia (my wife) normally hits me with something to wake me up because my snoring is bothering her.  In these moments I realize how much rest I really need.  Of course, the rest I talked about on Sunday Night was spiritual rest that can only be found through Christ.  Are you tired and overburdened?  Turn you life (and your burdens) over to Jesus today and you WILL find rest.

Sermon by Rev. Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Evening Service

On June 3, 2018

Series Title: "The Promises of God"

Sermon Title: "God's Promise of Rest"

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:28-30

"A Godly Example" - MORNING SERVICE 06032018

For the past two months or so we have been making our way through the first two chapters of Luke.  Last week we finished the Christmas story and now we move on into the only non-birth related information, provided to us through God's Word, about Jesus' childhood.  Yesterday we learned from the example of two godly people who meet Jesus within the first two months of His life; the Priest Simeon and the Prophetess Anna.  I told my congregation that we can learn a lot from the example of mature (righteous and devout) Christians.

Sermon by Rev. Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On June 3, 2018

Series Title: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke

Sermon Title: "A Godly Example"

Scripture Text: Luke 2:21-38

"Conflict Resolution According to Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03242019

Sunday morning, we continued in Luke 9 and talked about how Jesus resolved conflict.   All of us have been through conflict and most of us ...