Sunday, March 17, 2019

"Achieving Greatness" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio - 03172019

This Sunday morning, we talked about achieving greatness in the eyes of God.  In Luke 9:46-50 we come across an argument that the disciples were having amongst themselves.  They were trying to figure out which one of them would rank the highest when the kingdom of God came upon the earth.  Of course, Christ is the greatest and any attempt to put one’s self above Him is futile.  Yet, Jesus did tell us how we can be considered “great.”  In our text we found that true and genuine greatness, according to Christ, involves three things: (1) Humility, (2) A love for the needy, and (3) team work. 

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

On March 17, 2019

Sermon Title: "Achieving Greatness”

Scripture Text: Luke 9:46-50

Sunday, March 10, 2019

"Have Faith in God" CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03102019

Sunday morning, we continued through the 9th chapter of the Gospel of Luke.  We talked about Jesus casting the demon out of a father’s only son/child.  I pointed out to my congregation that all of us face hardships in life yet we are not alone; we have Jesus and His followers to rely on.  BUT, sometimes, Christians do more harm than good. In the end of it, we need to place all our trust in Jesus Christ.  Trust in the Lord today! 

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

On March 10, 2019

Sermon Title: "Have Faith in God

Scripture Text: Luke 9:37-45

Sunday, March 3, 2019

"The Transfiguration of Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03032019

Sunday morning, I preached about the Transfiguration of Jesus.  This was a very heavy sermon from a theological perspective, yet I ended it with one basic point of application: We all need to open our hearts and minds so that we can see the glory of Christ.  Often, we are distracted from the works of God taking place all around us.  To frequently we focus on the chaos which surrounds our lives and are blind to God’s glory. Stop what you are doing and focus yourself on the work of the Lord.  Put your full trust in Him.      

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

On March 3, 2019

Sermon Title: "The Transfiguration of Jesus"

Scripture Text: Luke 9:28-36

"Conflict Resolution According to Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03242019

Sunday morning, we continued in Luke 9 and talked about how Jesus resolved conflict.   All of us have been through conflict and most of us ...