Monday, July 30, 2018

“God’s Promise to Reward His Saints: The Soul Winner’s Crown” - EVENING SERVICE 07292018

On Sunday nights I have been preaching through a series titled "The Promises of God."  Last week I began another “series within a series” that will focus on “God’s Promise to Reward His Saints.”  During this series we are going to look at the five possible crowns that Christians can receive at the “Judgment Seat of Christ.”  The second crown, in scriptural order, comes from 1 Thessalonians 2 and is called the soul winners crown.  This crown goes to Christians who tell other people about their faith in Christ.   

Sermon by Rev. Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Evening Service

On July 29, 2018

Series Title: "The Promises of God"

Sermon Title: “God’s Promise to Reward His Saints: The Soul Winner’s Crown”

Scripture Text: 1 Thessalonians 2

"Following Jesus" - MORNING SERVICE 07292018

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On July 29, 2018

Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke

Sermon Title: "Following Jesus"

Scripture Text: Luke 5:1-11

Monday, July 23, 2018

"God's Promise to Reward His Saints: The Crown of Spiritual Self-Discipline" - EVENING SERVICE 07222018

On Sunday nights I have been preaching through a series titled "The Promises of God."  Last week I began another “series within a series” that will focus on “God’s Promise to Reward His Saints.”  Over the next five weeks (starting tonight) we are going to talk about how the Lord will reward Christians for their service to Him with one or more of five crowns/wreaths.  This event is called “The Judgment Seat of Christ.”  Last night I talked about the first crown (in scriptural order).  I called this crown “The Crown of Spiritual Self-Discipline.”  After salvation, the most important part of a Christian’s life is their walk with God.  Christians NEED to live a life of spiritual self-discipline.  If we can live a disciplined life we will receive this imperishable crown. 
Sermon by Rev. Dan Squezello
At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio
Evening Service
On July 22, 2018
Series Title: "The Promises of God"
Sermon Title: “God’s Promise to Reward His Saints: The Crown of Spiritual Self-Discipline”
Scripture Text: 1 Cor. 9:24-27

Sunday, July 22, 2018

"Jesus Cares for Everyone" - MORNING SERVICE 07222018

On Sunday morning I talked about how we all face different types of hardships in life.  Some of us are going through struggles that are truly life threatening and/or altering while others are, in comparison, facing less serious trials.  What I find amazing is that Jesus loves us, and cares for what we have going on in our life, no matter who we are and what our struggles are.  In Luke 4:31-44 we see three different situations that show how Jesus cares for everyone; no matter who they are or what they have going on.    

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On July 22, 2018

Series Title: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke

Sermon Title: "Jesus Cares for Everyone"

Scripture Text: Luke 4:31-44

Sunday, July 15, 2018

“God’s Promise to Reward His Saints: The Judgment Seat of Christ” - EVENING SERVICE 07152018

On Sunday nights I have been preaching through a series titled "The Promises of God."  Last night I began another “series within a series” that will focus on God’s Promise to Reward His Saints.”  Over the next six weeks we are going to talk about how the Lord will reward Christians for their service to Him with one or more of five crowns/wreaths.  Sunday night I introduced this series by talking about “the Judgement Seat of Christ”; which is the event where these crowns will be passed out. All Christians will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ and our works or deeds will be examined.  Whatever work we did out of selfishness or sinfulness will be burned up and forgotten about; yet we are still saved in Christ.  Whatever work we performed out of worship to the Lord will be rewarded with a crown.  The last sermon in this series will focus on how, after receiving these crowns, Christians will deem themselves unworthy to receive them and toss them at the feet of Jesus.  Check it out!

Sermon by Rev. Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Evening Service

On July 15, 2018

Series Title: "The Promises of God"

Sermon Title: “God’s Promise to Reward His Saints: The Judgment Seat of Christ”

Scripture Text: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15

"Preaching the Gospel to Those Who You Love" - MORNING SERVICE 07152018

On Sunday morning I preached about talking to those whom you love about Jesus.  I personally think that this is the hardest thing a Christian has to do.  So frequently we hear about a wide range of outcomes.  A lot of times we hear stories of children coming to know the Lord Jesus based on their relationships with family members.  Other times we hear about adult children who are pushed farther away from the Lord by their parents.  I think that there are times when our influence on someone we care about is diminished and our message to them is not heard.  It is at these times that we need to trust God the most and the only recourse we have left is prayer.    This sermon deals with these issues and more.

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On July 15, 2018

Series Title: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke

Sermon Title: "Preaching the Gospel to Those Who You Love"

Scripture Text: Luke 4:14-30

"Conflict Resolution According to Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03242019

Sunday morning, we continued in Luke 9 and talked about how Jesus resolved conflict.   All of us have been through conflict and most of us ...