Sunday, January 27, 2019

"On the Job Training" - MORNING SERVICE 01272019

We began the 9th chapter of the gospel of Luke by looking at the story of Jesus sending His twelve disciples out on their own for the first time.  There is a lot Christians today can learn from this event.  Followers of Christ are equipped to serve God through the Holy Spirit.  We are instructed in our service of the Lord through God’s Word.  And we need to trust and obey God’s calling for us to serve Him. Can you honestly say that you trust and obey God today?

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On January 27, 2019

Sermon Title: "On the Job Training"

Scripture Text: Luke 9:1-6

Sunday, January 13, 2019

"The True Power" - MORNING SERVICE 01132019

Yesterday we finally finished Luke 8.  We took a look at two miracles that Jesus performed in quick succession; the healing of a bleeding woman and the rising from the dead a twelve-year-old girl.  In reading through these two miraculous events, we can find three examples of “power.”  First ,we found that man’s power was useless.  On our own we are powerless.  BUT, with Christ, we can do all things; which was the second power we found in the text.  The power of Jesus is found in the miracles He performed but, also and most importantly, in the salvation He offered all mankind.  The third “power” we discussed yesterday morning was the power of faith.  It is our faith, belief, or trust in Jesus saving work which gets us into heaven; nothing more and nothing less.  Turn to Jesus today with whatever you have going on in your life!  AND REMEMBER: He loves you!  

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On January 13, 2019

Sermon Title: "The True Power"

Scripture Text: Luke 8:40-56

Monday, January 7, 2019

"True Worship" - EVENING SERVICE 01062019

On Sunday Evenings my sermon text comes from the theme of our Sunday School lesson from earlier in the day.  Yesterday morning we finished the unit titled “The Full Picture of Christmas”; which focused on different individuals or groups of people within the Christmas story.  Yesterday we looked at the wisemen and how they worshiped Jesus.  In continuing in the theme of worship, I decided to study through a good portion of the 4th chapter of John and the story of Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan Woman at Jacob’s Well.  During this divine interaction, we learn a lot about proper worship of our Lord. 

Sermon by Rev. Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Evening Service

On January 6, 2019

Sunday School Unit Title: “The Full Picture of Christmas”

Sunday School Session Title: “The Wisemen’s Worship”

Sermon Title: “True Worship”

Scripture Text: John 4:1-30, 39-42

"The Miracles of Christ" - MORNING SERVICE 01062019

Yesterday we returned to the Gospel of Luke.  We looked at the story of Jesus casting out the many demons of a demonic man who lived amongst the tombs.  After Christ “cured” the man, we found two completely different reactions to the miraculous power of Christ.  The first was one of fear and rejection.  The people of the area completely rejected what took place (and Jesus) because of fear.  The second reaction was one of faith and obedience.  The formally possessed man wanted to leave with Jesus but Christ told him to stay and tell those around him about what took place; which is what he did.  My question for you is “What is your reaction to the miracles of Christ?”  One of fear and rejection or one of faith and obedience? Choose Jesus today. 

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

Morning Service

On January 6, 2019

Sermon Title: "The Miracles of Jesus"

Scripture Text: Luke 8:26-39

"Conflict Resolution According to Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03242019

Sunday morning, we continued in Luke 9 and talked about how Jesus resolved conflict.   All of us have been through conflict and most of us ...