Monday, February 25, 2019

"What is Truth?" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio - 02242019 (Evening Service)

On Sunday nights I have been preaching a follow up sermon to the theme of our Sunday School lesson from earlier in the day.  Sunday morning, we talked about being deceived by false teachings.  John the Apostle has a lot to say about this subject.  His first epistle (1 John) focused quite a bit on combating the false teaching of false prophets.  In 1 John 4:1-6, the Apostle tells us how to combat the false teachings we face?  He tells us to test every teaching (to see if it is from God) and to resist the temptation to fall prey to these false doctrines. 

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

On February 24, 2019 (Evening Service)

Sermon Title: "What is Truth?"

Scripture Text: 1 John 4:1-6

Sunday, February 24, 2019

"Following Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio - 02242019

Sunday morning, I preached about following Jesus.  It is easy to say we “follow Christ” but what exactly does it mean to follow Him?  In Luke 9:23-27 Jesus gives the perfect “job description” to anyone who wishes to follow Him.  In the first half of my text, Jesus gave three conditions for following Him (verse 23).  Those who wish to come after Christ (follow Jesus) must deny themselves, commit to following Christ to the point of death and continually follow Him on a regular basis.  Then Jesus explains (verses 24-27) that as His followers, we need to look heavenward for our reward; as opposed to seeking our reward upon this earth.  The Christian’s reward is in heaven, so follow Jesus while you are upon this earth.
Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

On February 24, 2019

Sermon Title: "Following Jesus"

Scripture Text: Luke 9:23-27

Sunday, February 17, 2019

"Misidentification" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 02172019

Hey, here is Pastor Dan's sermon from CBC's morning service.  Listen to it directly (or download to your computer) through the link below to (our hosting site) or subscribe to FBCW's "podcasts" channel.  You can download the "podcasts" app to most of your smart phones by going to your app store (purple app with something that looks like a person on it).  Once you have it on your phone just search for "Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio" and you should see a picture of the church. 

Sunday morning, we attempted to identify Jesus.  I talked to my congregation about how people, through out the past 2000 years, have misidentified Christ.  As Christians, it is our number one Job to tell others about Who Jesus Is!  He is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.  AND, most importantly, He is the Savior of all the world.  If you turn your complete trust over to Him then you will be saved! 

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

On February 17, 2019

Sermon Title: "Misidentification"

Scripture Text: Luke 9:18-22

Sunday, February 10, 2019

"The Spiritual Nourishment of Jesus" - 02102019 CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles Ohio

Sunday morning, I talked about the only miracle of Jesus that was recorded in all four gospels; Jesus feeding five thousand men (not including the women and children) with just five loaves of bread and two fish.  This story tells so much about how Jesus provides for His followers.  I told my congregation that Jesus gives all Christians spiritual nourishment in the form of (1) rest, (2) comfort and (3) teaching.  When life gets in the way and we feel “off”, it is important to remember how much Jesus cares for us.  Trust in Him and know that He has a perfect plan for you.    

Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello

At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

On February 10, 2019

Sermon Title: "The Spiritual Nourishment of Jesus"

Scripture Text: Luke 9:10-17

"Conflict Resolution According to Jesus" - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, Niles, Ohio 03242019

Sunday morning, we continued in Luke 9 and talked about how Jesus resolved conflict.   All of us have been through conflict and most of us ...